The Lord is there God’s people need to have a destination mind Each one of us are in a race (1 Cor 9:4) We too have a final destination
Good News Matthew’s opening verse gives reason for hope God’s people were unfaithful Jesus the promised deliverer is announced
Jesus, born to be King Theme: The promised Saviour is coming and will be accomplished by the zeal of the Lord The coming child is good news for Israel The coming…
The serving shepherds Peter’s service is driven by his love for Jesus Elders’ task Follow the example of the perfect Shepherd Elders’ reward
A saving promise in the midst of trouble Introduction to Christmas time Brokenness between God and Man Brokenness between Adam and Eve Brokenness between Man & Creation The promise of…
999 Coveting is a tool of the devil Coveting makes God look like a liar and stingy Coveting results in the fall of mankind
From dust to glory We are made from dust…(v7a) God breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life (v7b) We have become a living being
Luther’s syndrome addressed God’s righteousness How to receive God’s righteousness Saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone