The resurrection of Christ The open tomb The angelic messenger The frightened women
Despised and rejected by all The wickedness of the Jewish Council The weakness of the disciple Peter The wiliness of the Roman Governor Pilate
The successful Shepherd and His failing sheep Jesus prophesies but the disciples lack faith Jesus suffers but the disciples are not vigilant Jesus is captured but the disciples abandon Him
The Last Supper A very special occasion A brutally broken fellowship A lasting memorial meal
A beautiful thing done for Christ A costly act of devotion A poor man about to die A gospel proclaimed to the whole world
How do we wait for Jesus? Don’t be deceived or alarmed Be on your guard without worrying Endure to the end and be saved
The Son is the promised Lord The covenant God speaks The earthly king writes The promised Messiah comes
The will of God is firstly about love Loving God with all that you are Loving other people as you love yourself Entering the Kingdom by faith in Christ