The Mathematics of Time

28 December 2014
Bible Text: Psalm 90:12 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | The Mathematics of Time An infinite number A small number Working it out

Perfect Timing

21 December 2014
Bible Text: Galatians 4:4 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | Perfect Timing Before the right time At the right time For all time

On the Right Track

21 December 2014
Bible Text: Isaiah 35:8 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | On the Right Track The joy of the journey The comforts of the journey The roradway for the journey

A Child like none other

14 December 2014
Bible Text: Isaiah 7:14 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | A Child like none other The child of a virgin The child who is God The child called Jesus
Bible Text: John 14:16-27; 15:26-27; 16:7-15 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | The Indwelling Holy Spirit He Guides He Comforts He Remains

Waiting for Vengeance

16 November 2014
Bible Text: Romans 12:19 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | Waiting for Vengeance Desiring Justice to Come Leaving Room for God's Anger Waiting for Judgement to Comfort