The blessed motivation of assurance The reality of doubts for the children of God The mercies of God motivate godliness The confident Christian lives carefully
The grace of assurance God mercifully preserves Personal salvation is certain The comfort of God’s promises
Seriously astray, yet not lost The possibility of serious sin The effects of serious sin The securing grace of God The renewal of God’s elect
The sinning saint Free, but not yet entirely Improving, but not yet perfect Still somewhat sinful, but never lost
God’s gracious gift of faith and redirected desire God’s grace confers the power to believe God’s grace is not deserved by anyone God’s grace redirects, but does not remove man’s…
Regeneration – supernatural mysterious and essential A supernatural new birth A mysterious new birth A necessary new birth
The earnest gospel call Those who are invited, but unwilling Those who are invited, both evil and good Those who are invited, but not dressed
The necessity of the gospel The natural foolishness of mankind The ineffectiveness of the good law The power of the gospel to save