Jesus is still the only way

21 February 2021
Jesus is still the only way Holiness is still important Salvation from sin is still our greatest need The blood of Christ is still the only way of salvation

Eternal Life is a Big Deal

21 February 2021
Eternal Life is a Big Deal Eternal life is a big deal Eternal life comes only from the Giver of life How then may we have this eternal life?

Keeping the Focus Right

7 February 2021
Keeping the Focus Right There is a deep hunger in the human heart Nothing in time or of this world can satisfy it Only the divine Son can satisfy it
From now on, security There will be convulsions in and between the nations; It shall not touch you (Psalm 91); In Zerubbabel the verdict of judgment against us is reversed
Hope as an Anchor of the Soul Man lives by hope; Hope needs a solid foundation to be of any use; and, The solid foundation of our hope is inside…