The successful Shepherd and His failing sheep Jesus prophesies but the disciples lack faith Jesus suffers but the disciples are not vigilant Jesus is captured but the disciples abandon Him
The King enters joyful Jerusalem The promised Messiah arrives The promised Messiah is welcomed
Fruits of gratitude Where does godly fruit come from? Jesus the true vine Jesus abides in us
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | Series: Belgic Confession | The glorious gospel of three aliens The ‘alien’ unrighteousness of Christ The ‘alien’ righteousness of…
Bible Text: Zechariah 9:9 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | The Rescued Rightly Rejoice Your King is Humble Your King is Righteous Your King has Salvation Recorded from live stream.…
Bible Text: Zechariah 14:16-21 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | Series: Zechariah | The coming day of complete fulfilment – part 2 The final celebration The final holiness N.B. Background…
Bible Text: Zechariah 14:1-15 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | Series: Zechariah | The coming day of complete fulfilment – part 1 The final battle The final judgement The final…
Bible Text: Zechariah 13:7-9 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | Series: Zechariah | What’s next? The Shepherd is Struck His Sheep are Refined His Covenant is Confirmed
Bible Text: Zechariah 12:10-13:5 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | Series: Zechariah | The Great Work of the Lord – part 2 The Great Grief (12:10-14) The Great Grace (13:1-6)
Bible Text: Zechariah 12:1-9 | Preacher: Rev. David Waldron | Series: Zechariah | The Great Work of the Lord – part 1 1. The Great War (12:1-9) NB Background static…